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Disinformative war against Trump

Analysis by Paolo G. Parovel

The most surprising characteristics of the first weeks of the Trump Administration are two: the efficiency with which he is unblocking, both in the US and in Europe, disastrous situations that had been rotting for years, and the violence of disinformative war unleashed by the lobbies that earn parasitic political and economic advantages from it.  Disinformative war against Trump weiterlesen

Trieste: stop to Italian illegal speculations against the international Free Port

Trieste: stop to Italian illegal speculations against the international Free Port

analysis by Paolo G. Parovel

On December 19th, 2016, the International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste – I.P.R. F.T.T. has started the legal actions to prevent the provisional Italian administration of the Free Territory of Trieste from eliminating, illegally and starting on December 31st, the main area for the strategic development of the international Free Port of Trieste destining it to housing speculation, in breach of the rights and interests of all States and of their enterprises.   Trieste: stop to Italian illegal speculations against the international Free Port weiterlesen

Trieste remembers the House of Habsburg: the events of October and November 2016

Whoever knows the real history of the city and free port of Trieste (without the distortions of Italian nationalistic propagandas) knows that this maritime capital city of Mitteleuropa owes everything to the House of Habsburg, from political and military protection, Trieste remembers the House of Habsburg: the events of October and November 2016 weiterlesen


Am Sonntag den 6. November um 11 Uhr, wird auf dem österreichisch-ungarischen Soldaten-Friedhof zu Prosek-Prosecco im triestinischen Karst, die traditionelle, öffentliche Gedächtnisfeier der österreich-ungarischen Gefallenen und der Soldaten (Armee, Landwehr, Honvéd, Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe) von Triest, TRIEST GEDENKT SEINER ÖSTERREICHISCH-UNGARISCHEN GEFALLENEN AM 6. NOVEMBER weiterlesen


This is the stamp of the “Special Court for the Defense of the State” which in Trieste, during the Fascist Regime, was responsible of the harsh repression to eradicate the multicultural roots of the Habsbourg’s city. The Special Court of Trieste had the power to warn, to scare and to convict political opponents who were considered dangerous for the Regime’s own order and security. NO TO ITALIAN SPECIAL COURTS IN THE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE weiterlesen